Desk*Top for the AS/400
Desktop Services Program
Desk*Top is a user-friendly system designed to assist AS/400 users in performing day-to-day office
activities. Whether its tracking appointments, sending messages, or crunching numbers, Desk*Top can
make it easier, faster, and more convenient.
- Personal calendar for each user
- Personal directory for each user
- On-line, 7 function calculator
- Installment loan analysis program
- Easy-to-use message sending facility
- Appointment and note notification
- Personalized menu
- Ease of operation
- Multiple user support
Desk*Top has the following features:
- Personal calendar for each user. Up to 999 lines of notes or appointments may be entered for any given
day. While the user is entering notes and appointments, Desk*Top displays a calendar for the month being
worked with, highlighting the days that contain notes.
- Personal directory for each user. Users can maintain their own list of names, addresses, telephone numbers,
and a short comment. Personal directory information may be printed to a listing
or labels.
- On-line, 7 function calculator. An on-line "adding machine"
type calculator has addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, average, percent, and square root functions, along with a memory register. A unique
"rolling tape" feature allows the user to go back and review the functions
- Installment loan analysis program. An installment loan analysis program provides quick, complete, and
reliable information for any loan. Loan payment information can be retrieved by entering the loan amount,
interest rate, and number of months in the loan. An option is also available to print the entire loan amortization
- Easy-to-use message sending facility. Users can easily send short informational and inquiry messages to
other Desk*Top users. The user is presented with a list of Desk*Top users, from which they can select one
or more users to receive the message.
- Appointment and note notification. Desk*Top can optionally notify users that appointments and notes
exist for the current day, through use of a provided ready-to-run Application
Programming Interface (API).
- Personalized menu. When a user signs on to Desk*Top, the displayed menu will only show options for the
functions that have been authorized for that user by the Desk*Top administrator.
- Ease of operation. Desk*Top has been designed to be easy to learn and use by the display station
user, with a minimum of training required.
- Multiple user support. Desk*Top may be used by any number of users
Technical Information
Specified Operating Environment
Hardware Requirements: Desk*Top requires the following minimum system
- AS/400 (any model)
- One display station
- One printer
- 3.0MB of auxiliary storage
Software Requirements: Desk*Top requires the following software to be
installed on the system:
- Operating System/400 (5738-SS1), Version 1 Release 3.0 or later
Ordering Information
Basic Machine-Readable Material: To order, specify system type/model. Program is supplied on CD-ROM.
Documentation: One copy of the Desk*Top Services Users Guide
will be supplied with the basic machine-readable material.
Charges: One-time charge: $795
Licensing: This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of a Program License Agreement. A separate license is
required for each designated machine on which the licensed program materials will be used. A copy of the agreement is included
in the program package.
Trial Period: 30 days
This product has been placed in legacy status and is no longer available for order. Support for existing installations is available on a "best effort" basis.
SSPI is an authorized distributor of Desk*Top, a product of Generic Software, Inc.
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