Forms Magic
for the AS/400
Forms Design Software
Forms Magic allows AS/400 users to create their own forms designs. Forms Magic can turn an ordinary box of computer paper into preprinted forms.
- Avoid the expense of preprinted forms
- Merge database and print spool text with forms
- Several graphic design elements
- Compatible with all IBM displays and most IBM printers
- Forms preview facility (requires 5292 Model 2 or compatible display)
- Ease of operation
- Multiple user support
Forms Magic has the following features:
- Avoid the expense of preprinted forms. Forms Magic can be used to create any number of customized forms from standard computer paper. It can also be used to create graphic images that can be printed once and used as masters for photocopying.
- Merge database and print spool text with forms. Text data from database files or the contents of print spool output can be merged with Forms Magic forms and printed. Invoices, statements, or other output can be generated without changing existing programs, and then printed with a graphic form overlaid on the page.
- Several graphic design elements. Forms are composed of any number of lines, boxes, circles, triangles, characters, page borders, marker symbols, and custom graphic images. Eight line types, two line widths, and 17 fill shades are supported. Characters can be printed in a variety of sizes with any of the over 40 AS/400 fonts. Custom graphic images, such as a company logo, can be defined once and used in any number of forms.
- Compatible with all IBM displays and most IBM printers.
Forms can be designed on any AS/400 attached display station; a graphics workstation or personal computer is not required. Forms can be printed on most IBM printer models commonly attached to the AS/400.
- Forms preview facility. A preview facility allows forms designs to be shown on a graphics-capable display (5292 Model 2 or compatible).
- Ease of operation. Forms Magic has been designed to be easy to learn and use by the display station user, with a minimum of training required. Several common forms designs are provided with Forms Magic.
- Multiple user support. Forms Magic may be used by any number of users concurrently.
Technical Information
Specified Operating Environment
Hardware Requirements: Forms Magic requires the following minimum system configuration:
- AS/400 (any model)
- One display station, any model. A 5292 Model 2 display station is required for the forms preview function only.
- One of the following printers:
- 5224/5225
- 4214
- 4234
- IPDS (includes 4224, 3812, 3816)
An IPDS laser printer is recommended for best results.
- 1.0MB of auxiliary storage
Software Requirements: Forms Magic requires the following software to be installed on the system:
- Operating System/400 (5738-SS1), Version 2 Release 1.0 or later
Ordering Information
Forms Magic
Basic Machine-Readable Material: To order, specify system type/model and distribution medium:
- 8mm tape cartridge
- 1/4-inch tape cartridge
- 1600 bpi open reel tape
This program is distributed as object code only. Tapes are provided by and remain the property of SSPI.
Documentation: One copy of the Forms Magic user documentation will be supplied with the basic machine-readable material.
Charges: One-time charge: $199
Licensing: This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of a Program License Agreement. A separate license is required for each designated machine on which the licensed program materials will be used. A copy of the agreement is included in the program package.
Trial Period: 30 days
This product has been placed in legacy status and is no longer available for order. Support for existing installations is available on a "best effort" basis.
Forms Magic is a trademark of System Support Products, Inc.
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