For Immediate Release
Contact: Betty Forlini (703) 642-8760
Stock Calculator Available for Windows
March 2, 1998, Annandale, VA -- System Support Products, Inc. announces the availability of Stock Calculator for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. Stock Calculator is a profit/loss and share price calculator application.
Stock Calculator is designed to be the perfect assistant for anyone doing online stock trading. Besides total cash outlay and profit/loss calculations, Stock Calculator is ideal for performing 'what if' analyses, such as determining what share price a stock needs to attain in order to return a specified profit. Highlights of the new application include:
- When buying stock, Stock Calculator can determine the total cash outlay, per share buying price, or number of shares. The user selects which field to calculate and enters values for the remaining fields.
- When selling stock, Stock Calculator can determine the profit amount or the per share selling price. The user selects which field to calculate and enters a value for the remaining field along with the buy information.
- Flat rate or percentage commissions can be included in the calculations.
- Stock Calculator can also be used as a quick stock fraction converter, converting between dollar amount share prices and stock fractions in 1/64 increments.
Stock Calculator for Windows is currently available for a one-time charge of $15. A 30-day free trial is available for download from SSPI's web site at http://www.sspi-software.com/stockcalc_windows.html.
For additional information, please contact Betty Forlini, System Support Products, Inc., 7620 Arlen Street, Annandale, VA 22003. (703) 642-8760. Fax: (703) 642-8767 E-mail: sales@sspi-software.com Web: www.sspi-software.com
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